Sadly, my camera's demise was not an accident in a normal sense. My camera's demise was a self-inflicted, but fatal camera-wound.
Sometimes these normal people lament that their accident was partially self-inflicted or 'they saw it coming, and they could have avoided it'.
Regardless, they should not award themselves the dolt of the year awards, yet. I think I'm the bigger dolt, and may be able to out dolt them for this year's award.
On the other hand, if the accident was completely out of their control, then, they have no chance and I'm a shoo-in to win the dolt of the year award.
Like a tv series you may have watched recently, based on actual events, the following takes place between the minutes of 6:23pm and 6:31pm, a couple of months ago ... give or take.
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As some may know transferring images from my camera to an iPod through the iPod Camera Connector is painfully slow. (For you non-camera people, just pretend what I said makes sense)
Well, in one of my infrequent bouts of lucidity, I thought I should provide A/C power to preclude my camera's battery from draining.
"You're pretty smart, Brian" I said to myself. Ironically, I didn't remember where I put the original A/C adapter....
I thought, "No worries. I'll just use my trusty iGo universal a/c power adapter"
Tickled with my oh-so-smart-work-around, I quickly assembled the power adapter.
Once assembled, I proudly thought, "Power Problem solved, I'm brilliant." Which, at this point, I recovered from the temporal bout of lucidity, back to my normal self.
Unsupervised, I continued, "Well, good, the power adapter tip fits the camera ...hmmm... I wonder what this little plus symbol thingy means? I'll just plug it in and see if it works"
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Have you heard the piece of wisdom, "Pride comes before a fall"?
In this case, pride came before an almost inaudible 'pffffttt' sound
... and a very bright, but brief flash from my camera's rear LCD.
"Note to self: When using a power adapter, check polarity of the adapter tip."
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Sometimes, normal people lose their photographic equipment in some brief but catastrophic instance. Sometimes, they feel they may have been able to avoid their demise. If so, they may be able to get a lesser charge. Or, perhaps they were innocent bystanders.
Unlike their incidents, I did not stand by innocently on anything.
Nor would I be eligible for the lesser "negligent camera-cide" charge.
Nope. My camera's heinous demise was calculated and careful.
My camera's demise was premeditated stupidity.