Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Pressing Thought

I never met him. I didn't know him or his family. I was almost always at church when "Meet the Press" was on. Yet, when I heard the news of Tim Russert's death on Friday, it felt shocking. Almost personal. Why? Is it just the "celebrity" syndrome? I think it may have been slightly more pronounced because I had heard Tim Russert on the radio on the way in to the office that morning. He was giving political analysis and talking about the guests who were scheduled to be on "Meet the Press." It is odd to realize that just a few hours later he would be dead.

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Last Lecture

I'm sure most of you have seen this already, but just in case you haven't.

Updates on Randy Pausch can be found at http://download.srv.cs.cmu.edu/~pausch.

Monday, June 02, 2008

Today's Non Sequitur

I haven't posted for a while!

More friendly skies for me this month. I will be in New York four times (one down, three to go!) and Florida once.

I love Twitter. I'm glad I overcame by skepticism of Twitter. It fills the gap when it's not enough for its own blog post. It's really easy and it's fun. It doesn't take long, because you can't write a novel in 140 characters.

My bagel courier career continues. (search "Ess-a-Bagel" in this blog)

Sometimes winning a hockey game is about momentum. I will be surprised if the Red Wings don't win this game and with tonight's win, the Stanley Cup.