Well, who ever said I wasn't a glutton for (more) punishment. I can almost successfully say that I survived my second-ever claustrophobic, overly-packed, really bad smelling sauna work out otherwise known as Bikram Yoga. The class was only about 2/3 of the

size of the first time that I went, definitely more manageable. I was able to complete all but one set of the 26 postures and didn't succumb to any major fainting episodes. Now, don't get me wrong; you still feel like you're going to die a very unpleasant death with your

closest 20-40 sweaty, smelly friends that you've known for less than 90 minutes. AND, I can't really decide if it's good to know the routine so well that you know how many postures are left or if ignorance really is bliss. Ah, the ever famous question, will I go back for human pretzel torture #3? Always a valid question. Stay tuned...
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