It began so innocently, so simple. I needed a hair cut. Brian went to a very nice woman in a mall near to where we live. I never thought twice.
Many years ago, he eased his way to other hair cutting establishments. And, I have endured the anticipated, eager query of, "How's Brian?" as she passive aggressively cut my hair. Really meaning, "Where's Brian, and why doesn't he come here anymore, and what have you done with him?" I always wondered if there wasn't a little resentment and that's why my hair was never quite the requested length. I digress.
So, after several months of letting it grow to a length it hadn't been in years, I finally decided to take the plunge...at a salon closer to my office. My only requirements, I told the new hairdresser: shoulder length and I still need bangs. The result: I love it! Brian calls it "flippy" because of the layers and one of my colleagues commented, "modern." What does that say about the past eleven years? Again, I digress.
There are a few additional reasons I have dreaded changing hairdressers. One is that you always have to train new ones. It took many years (see high school through college years) to realize that Asian hair doesn't do anything but variations on straight. It's the Asian-hair curse. Just embrace it, stay away from drastic measures. That, and the fact that when you get a cut-straight-across-just-shorter, you hate to pay more than $25.
Well, it was definitely more than $25, but I justify it by the Membership Reward points I earned as this salon takes American Express!
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