Here are some fun recaps from our visit to Wisconsin
- Hugging and kissing the cutest niece ever!
- Beautiful beach on Lake Michigan
- Late night talks with my Mom
- Hearing my niece run around looking for "Gumma"
- Six adults, a toddler and bullmastiff in a Ford Expedition (picture National Lampoon's Vacation)
- Picnicing with friends at the park
- Seeing the old bridge and the new bridge
- Driving by our old house, the restaurant and grocery store where I worked during the summer
- Visiting my Dad's double first cousin (two brothers marry two sisters, their children: double first cousins) and other family
- Watching my brother and brother-in-law water ski
- A pontoon boat ride
- Watching the fireworks with the Special Ks
- Did I mention hugging and kissing the cutest niece ever! :-)
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